With 26 Letters and 99 Cents, you actually receive two books in one. Read it one way and you'll read through the alphabet, each letter with a corresponding picture that starts with that letter. Flip it over to go through numbers between 1 and 99, each represented by pictures of coins equal to the value of the number. The book as a whole gives your child a chance to become familiar with the alphabet, numbers, common objects, and money.
The book is illustrated with bright, primary colors and has lots of familiar and fun objects. The large letters and numbers also develop early writing skills, since the book encourages your child to run their fingers over the letters and numbers. They will love the largeness of the book and will enjoy interacting with it.
I remember reading this book with my little brother Thomas when he was in pre-school. He was always so interested in coins, and foil covered, chocolate coins were his favorite candy. The concrete examples of change in this book made it much easier for him to grasp the concept of numbers, and the fun objects in the alphabet section reinforced the vocabulary words that he was learning.
Tana Hoban's photographs have been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and in galleries around the world. She has won many gold medals and prizes for her work as a photographer and filmmaker. Her books for children are known and loved throughout the world.
This book is fantastic. My girls love that it is two books in one when you turn it around and I love how educational it is. The book is great for both my girls since the Ballerina is working on her ABC's and the Princess is learning about coins and money. I am thrilled with the book and my whole experience with Little One Books.
--Ellen Peppercorn, Thrifty & Chic Mom