In Bones and the Math Test Mystery, David Adler tells an exciting story that will captivate a child's interest. The action of the story takes place in a classroom, which will be a familiar setting for children who are starting school. The book also has engaging cartoon illustrations and large font so that your child can follow along as you read together.
This book is a great choice for five year olds because their attention span is much longer. With the short sentences and an easily understandable storyline, your child will have fun trying to help solve the mystery of the missing math test. You will have fun reading all of the dialogue and using different voices for different characters. The theme of mystery also infuses an element of adventure, which will have your child asking a lot of questions as the story unfolds.
When I was a kid, I loved David Adler books. They are so engaging because there is always a mystery to be solved. It was always very empowering to read these stories as a child, since I could relate to the brainy solver of mysteries. I always enjoyed the adventurous hero who solved challenging mysteries in a fun and exciting way.