This music moseys along with andante-paced songs, providing great images and feelings for your little one as they lay falling asleep; "Every sleepy boy and girl, in every bed around the world, Can hear the star up in the sky, Whispering a lullaby" (Dreamland). A few of the songs are sung from the parent's point of view, passing on information to their little one, or just appreciating them. For instance, the opening lyrics of Annabel are, "I watch you sleeping, my weary heart rises up on wings." Parents can certainly relate to lyrics like this, and they make children feel safe. The guitar leads in each song, helping create a consistently mellow mood, but other instruments are occasionally featured; In the Neil Diamond cover, "Barefoot Floors", the whole first verse is just gentle picking on the fiddle accompanied by a female voice. "Deamland" features the violin and flute, "Child of Mine" features sliding on the steel guitar, and "Down at the Sea Hotel" even has the accordion, which somehow worked in this lullaby.
This CD could also be listened to when it's just time to calm down - not necessarily bedtime. It would be great to snuggle up with your little one and just hold them rocking while listening until you both feel relaxed. The slower beat will slow down a child's heartbeat, further calming them down. It's easy to find yourself humming along. "Things We've Handed Down" is another song sung to a small child, and it may inspire a great conversation with your little one about things you've handed down to them such as hair and eye color, personality quirks, and heritage.
I played this CD for my two-year-old friend, Kyle, before bedtime. He loved listening to the songs and swaying with the music. He would hum along, saying some of the words he had memorized. Kyle's eyes were very heavy about half way through the CD, so I put him in his crib and watched him drift off into dreamland.