The educational program Elmo's World is an offshoot of the short computer-animated section featured in the children's television show Sesame Street. In this release, Elmo explains to young viewers the concept of opposites, including feeling sad and happy, saying hello and goodbye, opening and closing things, and being tall versus being short.
Kids will love to join Elmo as he explores the world of opposites in this fun and educational video. With the help of his friends, including Super Grover, Dorothy the goldfish and Mr. Noodle, Elmo learns about up and down, open and close, and fast and slow. Through entertaining skits, clips and songs, Elmo helps youngsters prepare for preschool and have fun at the same time!
With a little over 15 minutes devoted to each of the three segments, parents can choose to easily limit the time spent in front of the TV or allow the child to watch the whole 54 minute video. Each section follows the same format with a question from Dorothy and answers by Mr. Noodle, kids and a baby; an e-mail video clip from one of Elmo's friend, Super Grover; and a counting exercise. Other good life lessons include a retelling of Aesop's classic, "The Tortoise and the Hare," and always wear a helmet and padding when roller skating.
Emily, the girl that I nanny for, loves Elmo and had her eyes glued to the screen for the entire show. She would pause only to excitedly share a bit of knowledge with me that she gained from the DVD, even though I was sitting next to her and watching the movie too. She just couldn't contain herself! She loved watching the kids make a craft in the open-close section and thought that their bird picture was simply beautiful! She also said she can't wait to learn to roller skate after seeing the girls skating in the park during the fast-slow segment.