So many words to learn - where do you start? Let First Words help teach your little one some essentials to get them talking. First Words is a small book with thick board pages that your child can easily turn and interact with. The arrangement of the pages is very clear with one word in large bold print below a photograph of the object. The pictures are of common objects your child will likely see in their everyday lives, such as a cup, coat, car, boat, socks, pants, orange, dog, and more. There is even a potty! Each page also has a new color for a solid background, helping the picture pop off the page, but also adding colors to name and review.
This is definitely a pointing book, as your little one will point at the objects they recognize, and you can point at the object on the page, then point at it in the room or somewhere near. Your child may try repeating the word after you, or they may be more content to watch the pictures as you name them.
My friend Dano started really enjoying this book when he was one. One time when I was babysitting and we were sitting in his play area surrounded by books, he picked this one and moved it toward me. I pulled him into my lap and we went through the pages together. He was quietly observing until I got to the dog, and he sat up, pointed, and said, "da!" 'Dog' was his first word and has been his favorite word every since.