Join an adventurous swing-loving little girl in the Horn Book Award winner, Higher!, Higher! and see just how high her daddy can push her. One word is repeated on each page, corresponding with the picture. The first half of the book is the little girl telling her daddy to push her "higher, higher" until she is finally so high she swings right into a surprise visitor who is also swinging from another direction. They greet, high five,and return for the down swing back to their daddies. The pictures provide the details for the story through bright contrasting colors and the little girl's giant smile exuding excitement. The backgrounds consist of familiar scenery such as a park, building, mountain, airplane, and the stars.
Your little one will love the excitement in your voice when you read, Higher!, Higher!. They will understand that the little girl is having fun. You can help your child interact with the book by lifting them up and down when saying "higher, higher", or putting them in a rocking swing while you sit next to them and read the pages. They will also love the "high five" part and quickly learn to touch your open hand with theirs when you smile and say "high five!" The sillier you are while reading, the more your child will enjoy themselves.
I read this book to my 18 month old friend, Dano recently. He is already quite versed with the "high five" concept, so he knew just what to do when we got to that page and I put my hand up. He smiled huge when I encouraged him and said, "Great job!" My husband Nate got in on the action and high-fived Dano too, who was thrilled. We spent the next few minutes just high-fiving all around, enjoying Dano's excitement. He also liked the page with the airplane, as he recognizes those and always points and says "a-pane!" We'll work on the word "swing" next.