Arnie doesn't have a grandparent to bring to Grandparents' Day at school. He has many other special grownups in his life - too bad none of them can be his grandparents. Or can they?
This is a wonderful story about the lesser-known holiday of Grandparents' Day and a grandparent-less young cat's struggle to find adopted grandparents for a classroom celebration of the day. Preschool-age children will find the assortment of animal characters to be adorable and will cheer for the feline when, not one but, six adults surprise him and act as pseudo-grandparents for the day. The story is sweet and thought-provoking as it helps children think outside the box and explore non-traditional solutions.
Reading this story will serve as a reminder for kids that all families are different. For children who don't have grandparents living nearby, this book will help them consider alternatives, such as asking a family friend or perhaps participating in an adopt-a-grandparent program. When the dressmaker, bakers, coach, librarian and janitor all show up at school to support their young friend, it's a wonderful example of a community coming together.