It is quite impressive all that this youngster finds on his walk! The main character, a young boy, appears to be talking to his cat through simple repetitive sentences telling of all the animals he saw on his walk that day. The characters are brightly colored against mostly-white backgrounds, so they appear to pop off the page and it is easier for your child to remain focused on them. The pictures build on one another; each time the boy sees an animal, it begins following him around, so by the end of the book he has a whole line of animals behind him.
Each animal is also a different color, so you can begin repeating colors as you point to them for your little one. There is a brown horse, a red cow, a green duck, a pink pig, and a yellow dog. The book consists of board pages, so little readers can also handle the book and practice turning the pages forward or backward. This is a great book to repeat as your child develops, and perhaps they will begin requesting it on their own.
My friend read this to her 10-month-old baby, Sarah, who she said sat surprisingly patiently through the whole book the first time they read it. Sarah touches the pages sometimes, but appears to like the green duck the most, as she usually squeals when they get to that page. Sarah's mom reads her the book every few days, pointing at and naming the animals. She thinks 'duck' will be Sarah's first word.