Lawn to Lawn is an innovative tale of a young girl named Pearl and her friends, the lawn ornaments. When Pearl and her family move to a new house and leave the ornaments behind, they set out on an adventure to reunite with Pearl, making sure to avoid the garbage truck. The pictures are sure to entertain with the creative coupling of geometric angles softened and made playful through warm tones. The pages also harbor funny images in the background for those observant readers.
The characters display distinct personalities, and their interactions are sure to get some chuckles out of mom and dad as often as their little ones. For instance, when the lawn ornaments are lost, they come across some garden gnomes who ask if they need directions. When Pearls friends say yes! quite relieved, the garden gnomes say, What a coincidence! So do we! In addition to the humor, the overall message of friendship, love, and loyalty are always great topics to expose children to and discuss openly.
My niece Emily first discovered Lawn to Lawn when she was five and easily decided Flo, the pink lawn flamingo, was her favorite character. Emily asked why she didnt have any lawn ornaments. Joking, I suggested she add them to her Christmas list. I had forgotten all about it until her mom mentioned, laughing, that Emily had seen a lawn flamingo at a store and begged for it.