If Little Pea doesn't eat all of his sweets, there will be no vegetables for dessert! What's a young pea to do? Children who have trouble swallowing their veggies will love the way this pea-size picture book serves up a playful story they can relate to.
Adults like to distinguish their eating habits as either favoring sweets or preferring the more savory side of things. For children it is not usually much of a contest. They spend many nights sitting at the dinner table trying to choke down all of their veggies so that they can have dessert. Amy Krouse has reversed this age-old dilemma with a cute character named Little Pea who must eat all his sweets before he can have his vegetables and live hap-pea-ly after. This may be your little one's first introduction to irony, and although they will not recognize it as such, they will likely suspect something weird is going on.
Making the connection between Little Pea and your little one is not hard, as Little Pea likes to do all the same things most children enjoy. He likes playing with friends and reading bedtime stories with his parents. He also dreads the dinner table, like many kids, because he hates having to eat all his candy before he can have dessert - spinach! Little Pea's parents play a bartering game you may recognize; "If you don't finish your candy then you can't have dessert." And Little Pea dramatically chokes down all five pieces of multi-colored sweets. This is a great tool to show your little one that you are not a particularly mean person, but all parents ask their children to eat what they believe is healthy and will help them grow. Be prepared for your child to try the tactic of 'needing to eat candy, like Little Pea, before he or she can eat their dinner'.
My two-year-old friend Sage liked the simple pictures and pointed to the different peas and labeled them as 'Little Pea,' 'Mommy Pea,' and 'Papa Pea.' Sage had me laughing when I asked her if she liked eating peas and she responded with, "Ummmmm...just on pizza." I suppose I would like just about anything on top of a pizza too!