Based on the popular children's books created by Michael and Betty Paraskevas, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast highlights the relationship between our five-year-old heroine Maggie and her best friends. Maggie loves her favorite stuffed toys Beast and Hamilton so much that she has created a whole world - Nowhere Land - for them to explore!
This is one of the most charming and imaginative programs for children that I've seen in a while. In this collection of episodes from Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, Maggie, Hamilton, and Ferocious Beast are involved in a lot of beach and outdoor activities. Each episode is divided into three different parts so that they can be taken one by one or enjoyed together.
If your child is unfamiliar with the show, they will be quickly won over by the adorable and friendly characters. The three characters are so different, and the show stresses that everyone's differences make them special.
My niece, Emily, especially enjoys the episode that focuses on Sidestep the Crab. Ferocious Beast accidentally falls on his house, and Hamilton, Beast, and Maggie make him a beautiful Crab Palace out of sand. He is very crabby when his house is ruined and doesn't think it can ever be replaced. But he soon falls in love with the one that Maggie and friends create. The episode, full of ingenuity and humor, and will delight your child.