This Capitol Choices Noteworthy Book for Children shows an adorable baby bunny and his little friend mouse enjoying the usual baby sport of throwing things on the floor - something almost any child can relate to. The solid-colored backgrounds emphasis the characters and toys, helping them pop off the page in bright primary colors. Rhyming couplets create a steady reading cadence. The second couplet always ends with an eclipse leading to the next page, which says "Overboard!" Within a few pages, your little one will have figured out the pattern and can start joining in to the 'overboard' chorus.
Your child will likely find the bunny throwing things 'overboard' very funny, and may want to try their own hand at it - so be ready to duck. Perhaps this can turn in to a discussion about cleaning up after oneself as well. You can also discuss how the little bunny takes the game of 'overboard' too far and the bunny almost gets hurt, so your child can start learning boundaries of acceptable fun. You can encourage them to join in the reading by saying 'Overboard!' when given the queue, or they may just enjoy watching you be silly when you say it.
My three-year-old friend Sam liked to find the mouse on each page and see what he was up to, as his antics were usually silly. Sam likeed it when the tissues were referred to as 'bunny wipers', and the mouse used one as a parachute. I asked Sam if he ever threw anything overboard while playing, but he shook his head and said, "No. That's messy." I'll bet his mom is so proud!
The book keeps it simple with fun rhyming and every other page is the word "OVERBOARD" as the baby bunny throws everything out of his crib or off his highchair. Something I can totally relate with Hayden! He loves shouting the word "Overboard" with me and giggles so much!
Melissa Mitchell, The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom