Alison Jay's Picture This is a picture book with beautiful colors and original perspectives on everyday objects. Each page has a colorful painted picture that looks antiquated with cracks throughout. The pictures are of common objects and animals your little one can learn to recognize in the world, such as a clock, ball, teddy bear, hat, and more. Although the pictures are also more detailed than most books aimed at one-year-olds, the details support and emphasize the main idea. A single, bold, large font word at the bottom of each page clearly names what is in the picture.
This is a medium sized book with board pages for your little one to practice turning with you. Your baby will love to touch the pages, turning them forward and backward, and pointing at the colors and objects. The vibrant and varying colors will keep them coming back for more, picking this book up often. You can 'read' it together by pointing to the word, reading it, and encouraging your little one to try repeating it.
My one-year-old friend Mosley enjoys handling this book. He can frequently be found flipping the pages, looking at the pictures right-side-up or upside-down, or even gnawing on the corners. I believe the colors are what attract him the most, as he looks at the 'house' page most often and for the longest amount of time; it is completely fleshed out with color and detail.