Helen Lester's Tacky Goes To Camp is part of the popular Tacky series. In this story, Tacky, the very odd bird, goes to camp, tells some scary stories, and ends up in a bit of a mess. The laugh out loud illustrations and crazy events will keep you and your child very entertained.
The book incorporates a lot of humor, which will grab the attention of your child. The goofball penguin gets into all sorts of trouble, but her intentions are good and positive. The story has quite a bit of text and a more involved plot.
My niece Emily likes this book a lot, since it passes her demanding test about whether or not it is funny. She cackled through much of it and was particularly entertained by the section where Tacky kept shoving s'mores into his mouth. We also had a lot of fun singing the Whoopihaha Camp song to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean". All in all, Tacky, Emily, and I had a half hour full of a lot of laughs.