This video collection finds the beloved Berenstain Bears celebrating springtime with baseball, soccer, and spring flowers. The episodes focus on themes such as the importance of honesty and the wonders of nature. The show does an excellent job of capturing the warm spirit of the books, and the theme song is so catchy that it may inspire a sing-a-long.
In these episodes, your little one will love to see the friendly characters in familiar situations. Each show contains an important lesson, but it is presented in a lighthearted manner that will entertain your child. Each lesson is experienced by a young cub, which will help your child relate to the situation.
I grew up reading the Berenstain Bears books, and it's been a lot of fun to see each of my nieces and nephews get excited about the family. I watched the episode that focused on telling the truth with my nephew, Michael. He had all sorts of questions about the show. It gave us a chance to talk about why it is a good idea to always be honest.