With illustrations as breathtakingly beautiful as this, who needs words? The full-page paintings tell the story of Aesop's The Lion and the Mouse and without a single word - apart from an owl "whoo-ing," mouse "squeaking" and lion "roaring" - a classic story is retold. This Caldecott Medal award winning book, shows the detailed facial expressions that tell the story of a newfound friendship between unlikely friends. Kids will be enthralled with the gorgeous backdrop of the African Serengeti and will love the paintings of the regal lion.
Since the story has no words, this is a book that kids can admire on their own. They can either make up a story based on the pictures or just look at the lovely illustrations while parents can dig back into their memory banks to recall reading Aesop's version as a child. A great way to practice storytelling skills, this is a book that all people, from ages three to adult, can appreciate.
As I was listening to Emily, the three-year-old I babysit, read me the story this morning, I couldn't help but smile at the extra touches she added. For example, when the lion is caught in a hunter's trap and the mouse comes to rescue it by nibbling through the ropes, she added, "the mouse is telling the lion, 'don't be afraid.'" She then proceeded to show me how the mouse nibbled through the ropes by pretending to gnaw on her hand. She even acted out how the lion fell on its back once the mouse had chewed through all the ropes by laying on the ground with all four arms and legs in the air.