Now you can enjoy the song The Marvelous Toy as a vibrantly colored storybook. You and your little one can join the young boy in experiencing the new mysterious toy his father brings home one night in a box, emitting sparkles and light, hinting at the magic within. The computer animated illustrations are breathtaking in their wild creativity and vibrant colors. The backgrounds are swirling seas of blues, greens, and violets, while the foreground pops with a rainbow of vibrant toys and neon rays of light. Another distinctive contrast is formed with the juxtaposition of larger objective or the human characters with little detail, against the highly detailed toys, swirling wallpaper, and modern abstract art in the background of the later pages. There is so much color on each page that the font clearly stands out in pale yellow. Because the story is song lyrics in print, there is a clear and audible cadence to the rhyming couplets.
Increase the story's fun for your little one with a theatrical reading, adding character voices to the dialogue and emphasizing the actions words in the repeating description of the toy; "It went zip! when it moved. And bop! when it stopped. And whirr! when it stood still." It is inevitable that your child will ask you what the toy actually is, and perhaps where they can get one. The story never gives this marvelous toy a name, so what it truly is will have to be up to your little one's imagination. Encourage them to guess what it is, or make up their own toy that they think would be wonderful; what would it do? What would it look like? What would it sound like?
My four-year-old niece, Emily, saw this book lying on a table at my house and was immediately drawn to the colors on the cover. She soon asked me to read the 'pretty book' with her. All throughout the story, she wanted me to tell her what the toy was and why she hadn't seen it on any commercials or at a friends' birthday party yet. I told her it is imaginary and, therefore, could be anything she'd like it to be. Emily sat back and thought for a moment before saying, "If it were my toy, it would bake brownies, play Simon Says with me, push me on my bike, and read to me." It sounds like if Emily ever gets her own 'marvelous toy', this auntie will be out of a job!