Rachel Rodriguez's Through Georgia's Eyes takes a look at the life and talents of painter Georgia O'Keefe. The famed artist saw the world in a very detailed way and created incredible works of art because of her unique outlook. The book empowers young readers to soak in the natural beauty of their surroundings and to follow their talents and passions. The last page is a biography of O'Keefe.
The book is illustrated with beautiful cut paper collages that will hold the interest of your young reader. The story does an excellent job of illustrating different regions, which will expose your child to different environments. The text is straightforward and engaging and will not be overwhelming for your little one.
I read this with my niece Emily who learned a lot from the story. After we were done reading, we looked at another book filled with some of O'Keefe's most famous images. The story impacted Emily a lot, and she announced to the family later at dinner that O'Keefe was her absolute favorite artist.