This action-packed story follows a family as they weather a huge thunderstorm together. The book is loud and boisterous with a lot of dialogue. The lively illustrations are expressive and hilarious, and the images successfully evoke the feeling of being in a storm.
There are lots of short sentences that incorporate some catchy rhymes. As you read with your child, they will love that there are so many sound words like "putt...putt...", "BAWK", and "zzt". The sound effects enhance the impact of all of the lively pictures.
Even though he detests thunderstorms, my nephew, Joshua, was very charmed by this book. He particularly enjoyed the humorous elements such as Dad’s underwear whipping through the air after detaching from the clothesline. He was also excited when the little kitten was found after the storm died down. Though it probably won’t turn him into a thunderstorm fan, he definitely enjoyed the story.
Thunder-Boomer was a very entertaining read. With lots of fun words included to create some silly sound effects, it allowed me as the parent to really get into the telling of the story. And my boys simply loved that the storyline included Dad's underwear blowing off the clothesline and then showing up again later in the book! My four year-old Lucian especially loved that a dog and kitten were characters since he is a huge animal lover.
I loved this book for several reasons. One, we're in the Midwest and thunderstorm season is fast approaching! My oldest is just now starting to show fear in various things (bugs, the dark, etc) and I suspect a good thunderstorm may scare her a bit this year. My hope is that by reading this book together often, it will ease some of those fears. I also liked that it takes place on a farm as my grandpa's farm is one of her favorite places to visit. Really, what kid doesn't love a farm? Add in some gorgeous illustrations by Carol Thompson, lots of fun sound words and a little humor- you've got one fantastic book that everyone in the family enjoys!
-- Stacy, Des Moines, IA