Suzy Lee's Wave is a simple but magnetic story that follows the activities of a child at the beach. The book has received several awards, and the expressive images and will earn high praise from you and your child as well. It is difficult not to gush with enthusiasm when describing this book. It's gorgeous. It's imaginative, and it speaks loudly even though it contains no words.
Since there is no text, your child will focus on the beautiful illustrations and will use their imagination. The color scheme is simple with blue, black, and white making up all of the illustrations. The book is shaped uniquely, a wide but narrow rectangle, which makes each page a wide panorama of the sea.
When I read this book with my niece, Audrey, she fell in love with the illustrations. Since the action of the story is simple to follow but still exciting, her attention was held for the entire book. She also enjoyed that a little girl was the main character, which added to her connection with the story.