This adorable story follows Sally as she looks for Spot all over the house. The book is filled with little flaps that are fun to open. Each time the flap is lifted, some sort of wild animal can be spotted underneath. At the end of the book, Sally and Spot are reunited, and you and your little one will love celebrating this with big hugs.
The action of the story is simple, and your child will love to interact with the book by lifting up all the different flaps. It's sturdy enough to withstand lots of little hands. By reading it aloud, you will introduce your child to all the different animals by pointing at each one and saying the animal's name.
Spot was one of my favorite characters when I was growing up, and it has been a joy to share him with my nieces and nephews. My niece Audrey loves the interactive features of the book. Every time she opens a flap to reveal a different animal, she shrieks giddily. After we were done, she went and opened the closet and said "Aw man, there aren't any monkeys in here!" Despite the disappointment of not finding any wildlife in the house, Audrey loved Spot and all of his animal friends.