Wubbzy is an infectiously lovable cartoon character with a kooky crooked tail that lives in a world of unusual looking animal characters, pink and purple trees, and buildings with zig-zaggy walls. An impulsive young creature, Wubbzy greets each day with enthusiasm and a healthy dose of curiosity and is always on the lookout for a fun new experience. When trouble arises, Wubbzy counts on his good friends Widgit, a lover of machines and master inventor, and Walden, a science whiz, to help him creatively solve even the most difficult problem. In these eight humor-filled episodes, Wubbzy and his friends engage in everything from trying to straighten out Wubbzy's crooked tail to building the fastest road racer ever, stopping a volcano from erupting, and caring for a pet fleegle. While things rarely work out like the three friends plan, they always manage to have loads of fun while discovering the value of things like friendship, liking oneself, helping others, truthfulness, self-restraint, and taking responsibility for one's actions.
With cute, colorful characters and simple storylines filled with important childhood lessons, this is a wonderful DVD to add to your preschooler's collection. Six short episodes deal with topics ranging from accepting other's differences, such as Wubbzy's "kooky" tail, to the importance of following directions. Kids will fall for the adorable Wubbzy, a curious yellow creature who means well but sometimes finds himself in trouble.
The episodes include a variety of lessons to help prepare children for situations they may encounter in preschool and other social settings. For example in "Special Delivery," Wubbzy learns to not take things that don't belong to him when his curiosity leads him to open a package addressed to his friend. A fun song at the end of the segment explains that it's okay to look but not touch things that aren't yours. Another episode, "Widget's Wild Ride," focuses on letting kids know that it's more important to simply have fun with friends than to win in the long run. Parents can use the cartoon lessons as a springboard for discussing the topics further with their child.
Three-year-old Emily, the girl I nanny for, had never seen Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! until I showed her a few of the episodes. She immediately gushed over how adorable Wubbzy is and said that she didn't understand why his friends teased him about his tail because it was "a really cool tail!" She was also a fan of the "Attack of the 50-Foot Fleegle" episode because she thought the fleegle pet was funny, especially when she discovered that junk food made it grow and carrot juice made it shrink.
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: A Tale of Tails is a very cute DVD. This video has 6 short episodes with a variety of lessons that help to prepare your child for situations they might encounter in Preschool or other social settings. In the episode Special Delivery," Wubbzy teaches children to look but not touch things that do not belong to them after he opens a package that is addressed to a friend. I like how the Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! series teaches children about friendship, liking oneself, helping others, truthfulness, self-restraint, and taking responsibility for one's actions. Children are attracted to the colorful characters and the catchy songs.
--Kari, Billerica, MA